About three years ago I read a couple of books by a fellow called Greg Mortenson: “Three Cups of Tea” and “Stones into Schools”. I found both books wonderful and inspiring. Greg admitted that his administration techniques were somewhat lacking which in hindsight was probably a bit of a mistake because it gave his detractors a place to attack. And it is guaranteed that if you do good in the world and make sure that people know about it that you will get attacked. About a year and a half ago the TV show ’60 Minutes’ did what they called an expose on Greg calling a lot of his activities into doubt. It is amazing though how easily people will jump on the bandwagon in an attack on someone. All it seems that you have to do is point your finger and the mobs will accrue without verification of facts. And to attack a guy like Greg doing good and trying to help people and trying to calm things down in the middle east…well, what is the point of that. So, he is not perfect. And I’m sure that the people pointing their fingers at Greg and his organisation will never be able to hold a candle to him and the good that he has done in the world.
I found a blog today by Sabina Kahn. She visited one of the first schools that Greg’s organization built and talked to the villagers about what Greg had done there. Please check it out:
The Way I See It by Sabina Kahn
There used to be the odd journalist with integrity in main stream media. Not anymore. I now assume that if something is being attacked by big media it is in all likelihood a good thing. And also if there is some really good news out there 99% of the time you will not hear it unless you look for it in alternative media sources.